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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

3-D is Back (as it's own category)

New information regarding 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional Visual Arts.  Last year our school combined 2D and 3D into one category when the National PTA began including 3D art (in the past it has only been allowed in Utah).

Unfortunately when our artwork moved on to the Roy Council level it was judged as two separate categories.  This year to avoid that confusion I contacted the State PTA Reflections representative.  She was very helpful and informed me that...

"After having given National's plan a try for a year, it has been decided that Utah will go back to doing 3D as a separate category and having 2D and 3D categories all the way through the State level.  Unfortunately at the National level it is still just one category so specifics on how this will be handled at the state level are still being hashed out."

Great news for our school because now more of our super talented artists will be able to move forward to the Roy Council level to compete.

Reminder - Next year's theme is:

What is you story?
The due date will probably be Monday Oct 3

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Information about Reflections

The Reflections program is a National program that encourages students to express themselves through their artistic talents.  This program is for all students (preschool - 12th grade).
At WHE students may enter one piece in each of 6 categories:

Visual arts (2D and 3D) - YIPPPPEEE - These will be judged as two separate catagories
Musical Composition

Students compete in different age groups:
Primary (K - 2nd grade) 
Intermediate (3rd - 5th grade)
Middle / Junior (6th - 8th grade) 

Our local PTA is responsible for judging the Primary and Intermediate categories, we will also judge 6th grade entries but will only be allowed to send forward a limited number of entries as they will be competing with 7th and 8th graders in the Middle / Junior age division at the Roy Council level.

The top two entries from each category and age group move onto the Council level (at Roy High).  

To find out more about this great program please check out the UTA PTA website

If you want to start planning for next years entries the category guidelines are a good place to start.  These are for this years theme but will still give you a good idea of what you can and cannot do.

REMEMBER students can enter in multiple categories but only ONE time per category.  (Example, 1 visual arts, 1 musical composition, 1 photography).

We will have next years forms in the office NEXT year and they will also be available at the UTA PTA website. 

A Snapshot of PTA Reflections

Artwork must be created for and relate to the theme,
“What is your story?
The concept is more important than the technique
Dance Choreography
·         One choreographer
·         Up to 3 dancers
·         Less than 5 minutes long

Musical Composition
·         Original composition
·         With or without lyrics
·         Less than 5 minutes
·         Notation (score) required for 6thgrade
·         Prose *Poetry
·         Drama *Short Story
·         On 8 ½” by 11” paper
·         Less than 2000 words
·         Write on one side of the paper put your name of the back of each page
·         Handwritten or typed
·         May be typed by another with original attached
·         Grade appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling
·         May be illustrated
·         Color or black and white
·         Single print or collage
·         Most processes accepted
·         Mount on sturdy board
·         No larger than 11” x 14” including matting
·         No frames
·         No slides
·         No words
·         No transparencies
Film Productions
·         Written, directed, filmed by student
·         Animation
·         Narrative
·         Documentary or experimental styles
·         No power point
·         Less than 5 minutes
·         Credit background music   
Visual Arts  2D 
·         Printmaking
·         Painting
·         Drawing
·         Collage
·         Etchings
·         Fiber work
·        Computer generated art
       Wind chimes

No   to see how copyrighted material may be used please see the official rules at
Visual Arts  3D
Photo collage
Fiber work
Metal etching
Wind Chimes

Theme 2016-2017

The Reflections theme for 2016-2017 is

What is your story?
(¿Cuál es tu historia?)

Tentative due date  October 3, 2016