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Friday, November 9, 2012

Next Year's Theme

2013-2014 Theme

Believe, Dream, Inspire

You have 11 months to work on your entry!

Let's get started!

Hawk Awards 2012-2013

Primary - Snow Globe

Intermediate - Love Birds

Awards of Merit 2012-2013

Visual Arts - Primary "Magical Moment"

Visual Arts - Intermediate "Birdies and Eggs"

Photography - Primary "Super Swinging"

Photography  - Intermediate

3D - Intermediate "Sunrise at the Farm"

3D - Primary

Awards of Excellence 2012-2013

Photography - Intermediate "Welcome Home Daddy"

Photography - Primary "Magical Rabbit"

Visual Arts - Intermediate  "Babies First Walk"

Visual Arts - Primary "The Lantern Lights"
3D Primary "Snowglobe"

3D Intermediate "Love Birds"

2012-2013 Visual Arts Entries (4 of 4)

2012-2013 Photography Entries

"Connected"  1st place Middle/Junior

"Ready or Not" 3rd Place Middle/Junior

Award of Merit - Intermediate

"Welcome Home Daddy" Award of Excellence - Intermediate

"Magical Rabbit" Award of Excellence - Primary

"Super Swinging" Award of Merit - Primary

Some of the sixth grade entries were not photographed before going on to the Junior High to be judged.  Sorry guys, if you want your picture posted please leave a note in the office and we'll make arrangements to get in on here.