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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2013-2014 Visual Arts Entries Middle/Junior Age Division

Award of Excellence
Award of Merit

2013-2014 Visual Art Entries, Intermediate Age Division

"You can Grow"
Award of Excellence
Artist Statement:  My picture goes with Believe, Dream, Inspire because in the first box it is a seed believing that it will become a big tree.  In the second box there is a sapling tree dreaming of becoming the biggest tree.  The third box is a big tree inspiring the little trees.

Award of Merit 
Artist Statement:  I am like a butterfly sometimes I believe like a caterpillar,dream like a cocoon and some day hope to inspire like a butterfly

2013-2014 Visual Art Entries Primary Age Division

"The Space Kid"
Award of Excellence Winner"
Artist Statement:  On the first square the kid is sleeping and dreaming of being an astronaut.  Then he is all grown up.  He builds a rocket and then learns how to fly it.  Then he flies to the moon in it.  Then he puts up the American flag.  He inspires the whole world to be brave like him.

"Race Cars"
Award of Merit Winner
Artist Statement:  I dream to be a lot of things when I grow up like a firefighter, an artist and a race car driver.  I believe that I can be anything I want to be.