Time to start thinking about your reflections project . . .
Forms and rules will be available at the school, but if you'd like to get a head start you can check out the rules at http://www.utahpta.org/reflections
Get your student involved now with the downloads below!
You can also find more information on the National PTA Reflections Page.
You can also find more information on the National PTA Reflections Page.
Attached Documents:
2012-2013 Official Student Entry Form
*This form is missing Photography so if you print from here be sure to write that in if your entry is a photography entry. I will have corrected forms available in the office at the school if you'd rather just grab one there.

*This form is missing Photography so if you print from here be sure to write that in if your entry is a photography entry. I will have corrected forms available in the office at the school if you'd rather just grab one there.
This is the form where you explain how your entry relates to the theme, it really helps the judges, it can be as short as a few words or as long as 250 words.
3 ) UTAH MEDIA RELEASE FORM - This form has been required in the past but is not yet available so I don't know if it will be used this year . . . I hope to have the answer before school starts.
- EDIT 9/19/2012, I still have not heard definitively if this form is required, but copies are available in the office. -
This one may be needed, if you use someone else's image or voice
Required when someone's voice or image can be recognized and is included in the entry
(someone other than the artist).
These are the rules

Guideline for each category - please read them, we don't want to have anyone go to all this work only to have it not be eligible.
The 6 national categories guidelines (rules) are also available in Spanish